Thursday, December 19, 2013
Stay Tuned for This Important Public Service Announcement....
Check-out some of our Health I students' Public Service Announcements about Digital Citizenship. They chose one of the nine elements which they had researched.
Thursday, September 19, 2013
Copyright-Free Images Made Easy
"Quick...I need to find images that are free to use on the web or on my multimedia project!"
RELAX: Google Images: Advanced Search has the answer.
RELAX: Google Images: Advanced Search has the answer.
New Local Author to Visit New Hope

Abington author and social worker, Wendy Tyson, will be appearing at My My in New Hope on October 19th from 4:00 pm to 6:30 pm. Wendy's first book, Killer Image, involves an image consultant who also has a background in psychology. That background becomes very important when she is hired to give fashion advice to a girl who has much deeper and troubling issues than fashion.
Wendy told The Intelligencer that among the darkness of the subject, there is also "hope and light". "No one is pure good, and no one is pure evil. Sometimes we allow our experiences to push in one direction or another".
I'm looking forward to adding this book to our library collection!
Sunday, September 1, 2013
Sunday, August 25, 2013
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Meograph: Four-dimensional storytelling
tags: DigitalStorytelling
- (18) Olá , sou o LorDxReLoO e venho trazer as novidades sobre o Mu Season 6! - Servidores online 24 Horas por dia : Super = Free: 10.000x | VIP:15.000X Pvp = Free: 30.000x | VIP: 50.000x Very Easy = Free: 5.000x | VIP: 7.500x Hard = Free: 100x | VIP: 150x - Cliente Separado Nos Servers Extreme E War pensando em melhorar os servidores trazendo novidades ! Extreme = Free:10x | VIP 16x War = Fre 1000x | VIP 1500x *** Novo servidor *** Algumas novidades : -Novo Kit Fusion v2 - Novo Kit Diamond Supremo - Novo Kit Old School - Novos Shields Power v2 18 opts + Level Master v2 - Novos Sets de Animes e Times de futebol - Novas Asas ML + 5 Sockets - Novos Rings com Opts Socket - Novo Char Rage Fighter - Novos Itens do Rage Fighter - Novos mapas Season 6 - Colete “Coins of Gold Fortune” e troque por itens no NPC Delgado - Novo mapa Karutan com novos MOBs, drops exclusivos e muita XP - Compre muitas armas com ZEN no evento Moss the Gambler - Fique logado e ganhe golds, Free ganha 1 GOLD por minuto e VIP 2 GOLDs - Ganhe Chaos Castle e receba itens ancients - Seja um divulgador oficial e ganhe set exclusivo de Divulgador - E muito mais... Venham conferir , Servidor Season 6 SEM BUGS. -> Cadastre-se e ganhe 5 Dias Vip <- Site : Fórum : http://Forumjogando.Net LorDxReLoO - post by LorDxReLoO Divulgador Oficial
Sunday, August 4, 2013
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Flip Your Classroom Technology Workshop
Drew's notes
tags: technology flipclass
Sunday, June 16, 2013
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