![[cover thumbnail]](http://static.lulu.com/items/volume_67/8201000/8201771/10/preview/320_8201771.jpg?8201771-1268675855)
Just a few days ago, I was excited to have received this newly published book from Peggy Krist who lives here in New Hope with her husband, Bob. Though I haven't had a chance to read it yet, a quick glance through the book affirms that this will be a must-read for many. This is what Peggy had to say about her book in an email to me:
I recently wrote a tribute to Jonny, On His Way Home, to help me cope with his death. The book is my road map from grief to generosity and how we came to start a foundation in his name. It is a story about giving back the future our son lost. You can order the book online. Paperback is $20, Hardcover $25. All proceeds benefit the foundation.
Jonny graduated from our high school in 2005 and his death just a year later devastated many in our community. On His Way Home is available for purchase here, or can be borrowed from our library. Information about the Jonathan Krist Foundation can be found on their website.
Bob, Peggy's husband and world-renown photographer, also has something of interest for the community of New Hope - a new collection of photographs: "New Hope: In Character". According to an article in today's Intelligencer, the collection will be featured in the New Hope Arts Center on Stockton Avenue and, among many other super New Hope people, will include our very own math teachers, Brian Loving, Brian Rutledge and Mike Bongiovanni as well as the popular musicians of Ween. You can get insight about the inspiration for the project on Bob's blog and in the video below.