Tuesday, May 8, 2012


Our high school library continues to go mobile as Destiny Library Catalog has now made an app available for our catalog, ebooks and audio books!

The Destiny Library Catalog app allows you to search our catalog, create book lists, put books on hold, renew books and more! Click here learn how to download the app. Our school URL is destiny.nhsd.org. The video below gives a brief overview of the application.

Follett eReader allows you to read our Follett ebooks on your mobile device.  Click here to learn how to download the app. Note that you cannot log into Follett eReader yet, HOWEVER, you can access the ebooks through the Destiny app (above) and the Follett eReader app will open.

The Catalist Digital Audio app allow you to download audio books directly to your mobile device.  
Click here to download the app, or click here to browse the catalog. See the HS Database sheet in your Google Docs library for login instructions.